Dryer behind the compressed air receiver

Fig. 5.20: Dryer behind the compressed air receiver
    • Favourable dryer size.
      The dryer can be sized according to the actual consumption of compressed air, or for a partial flow of compressed air that needs to be dried.
    • Drying of a non-turbulent volume flow.
    • Low compressed air entry temperature.
      The compressed air has the opportunity to cool down further in the compressed air receiver.
    • Low quantities of condensate.
      The droplets of condensate collect in the compressed air receiver and do not burden the rest of the system.

    • Condensate in the compressed air receiver.
      Moisture i n the compressed air receiver leads to corrosion.
    • Overload of the Dryer.
      The dryer is overloaded if there is any abrupt, heavy withdrawal of compressed air. The pressure dew point of the compressed air rises.


In most cases, BOGE recommends installing the dryer behind the compressed air receiver. The argument of economy is in favour of it. A smaller dryer can normally be chosen. Its efficiency rate is better.